CJan Fluid Technology Co., Ltd.
Seal Ring IDF-SR - Sanitary Pipe Fittings - 翻译中...

Seal Ring IDF-SR - Sanitary Pipe Fittings - 翻译中...

Seal Ring IDF-SR

Part no. Size A B C H1 H
IDF-SR025 1" 23.2 32.5 32.2 7 6
IDF-SR038 1.5" 35.9 46 45.7 7 6
IDF-SR050 2" 48.6 59.5 59.2 7 6
IDF-SR063 2.5 61.3 73.2 72.9 7 6
IDF-SR076 3" 74 86.5 85.6 7 6
IDF-SR102 4" 98.6 119 118 9.6 6

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