TYPE FSC - Steam Hot Water & Food Hose - 翻译中...June 2, 2017TYPE FSC - Steam Hot Water & Food Hose For steam cleaning at Temperature ranges: up to + 165 ℃ and hot water washing in food processing plants. Suitable for reel mounted applications.MÁS
TYPE FPUSD - FOOD GRADE PU SUCTION HOSE WITH WIRE HELIX - 翻译中...June 2, 2017TYPE FPUSD - FOOD GRADE PU SUCTION HOSE WITH WIRE HELIX. APPLICATIONS: suction and transport hose in the Food and Pharmaceutical Industry. For street cleaning vehicles, in the chemical industry, and fo...MÁS
TYPE NFSD - NBR Food Suction and Delivery Hose - 翻译中...June 2, 2017TYPE NFSD - NBR Food Suction and Delivery Hose .
Applications: Suction and delivery of liquid foodstuffs such as fat food, milk, fruit juice, drinks, wine, oil, potable water and alcohol up to 96%. Also for liquid foodstuff tankers. Contains no phthalateMÁS
Type TCAS - Stainless Steel Braid Cover Convoluted anti-static PTFE Tube - 翻译中...June 2, 2017Type TCAS - Stainless Steel Braid Cover Convoluted anti-static PTFE Tube. Construction: Type TCAS is manufactured from convoluted anti-static PTFE tube with stainless steel over braid.Temp. Range: -70...MÁS
TYPE EFSD - EPDM Food Suction and Delivery Hose - 翻译中...June 2, 2017TYPE EFSD EPDM Food Suction and Delivery HoseApplications: Suction and delivery of liquid foodstuffs such as fruit juice, drinks, wine, potable water and alcohol up to 96%. Also for liquid foodstuff t...MÁS
TYPE VPSD - FOOD GRADE PVC SUCTION HOSE - 翻译中...June 2, 2017TYPE VPSD - FOOD GRADE PVC SUCTION HOSE. Applications: ideal solution for suction and delivery of beverages with alcohol concentration up to 20%. Suggested for wines, marcs, liquors and other beverages and...MÁS
TYPE TSSSI-Transparent Silicone Cover TSS - 翻译中...June 2, 2017TYPE TSSSI - Transparent Silicone Cover TSS. Construction:Type TSSSI is manufactured from smooth PTFE tube with stainless steel over braid and transparent silicone cover.Temp. Range: -70℃ and 260℃.Ap...MÁS
TYPE SQ-Stainless Steel Helix and Polyester Reinforced Silicone Hose - 翻译中...June 2, 2017Type SQ is manufactured from High purity platinum cured Silicone with single stainless steel helix and 4 layers of polyester reinforcement.MÁS
TYPE TCSSI-Transparent Silicone Cover TCS - 翻译中...June 2, 2017TYPE TCSSI - Transparent Silicone Cover TCS. Construction:Type TCSSI is manufactured from convoluted PTFE tube with stainless steel over braid and transparent silicone cover.Temp. Range: -70℃ and 260...MÁS
TYPE TCWS Stainless Steel Braid Cover Stainless Steel Helix Reinforced Convoluted PTFE Tube - 翻译中...June 2, 2017TYPE TCWSS - tainless Steel Braid Cover Stainless Steel Helix Reinforced Convoluted PTFE Tube. Construction: A low profile (shallow), heavy walled, convoluted PTFE hose, with external stainless steel vacu...MÁS
TYPE GF-Glass Fiber Braid Reinforced Silicone Hose - 翻译中...June 2, 2017TYPE GF - Glass Fiber Braid Reinforced Silicone Hose. Type GF is manufactured from High purity platinum cured Silicone with glass fiber reinforcement.MÁS
TYPE TCWSSW - White Silicone Cover TCWS - 翻译中...June 2, 2017TYPE TCWSSW-White Silicone Cover TCWS. Construction: A helically convoluted PTFE (Polytetrafluorethylene) suction/pressure hose, with external vacuum wire with silicone vulcanized high tensile stainle...MÁS
La manguera de descarga tiene la capacidad de anti-presión y recuperación como la manguera de descarga del escape del automóvil, también se puede usar en algún sistema de escape común como sistema principal de escape de escape, sistema de aspiración ferroviaria, red de tuberías superior e inferior y aspirador fijo. La manguera de descarga es fácil de curvar, liviana, con buena movilidad, resistencia a la fatiga, resistencia a la abrasión, resistencia a la descomposición del agua y resistencia al agua hirviendo. Tiene ventajas como mantener una buena flexibilidad a temperaturas de -40 ℃ a 120 ℃, tiene buena elasticidad, buena resistencia a la carga mecánica, alta resistencia a la presión, resistencia a la compresión y un pequeño radio de curvatura, entre otros.
Como la manguera de descarga del escape del automóvil con suficiente aire fresco (aproximadamente 50%), su temperatura de escape puede bajar a -60 ℃ y la más alta a + 200 ℃, si el material es lo suficientemente bueno, puede alcanzar hasta + 450 ℃ en un corto tiempo . Los materiales generales son bobina en espiral: bobina espiral de plástico, pared del tubo: tela intercalada de poliéster y epoxi EPDM / PP. La superficie interna y externa tiene fibra Keveler especial con adhesivo de alta temperatura, su estructura externa es heliciforme y VA. Su retardo inflamatorio cumple con el estándar de DIN 4102-B1.